Other:OWN A PIECE OF HISTORY! This GRAND home is located in the wonderful town of Carrollton. This home has been completely renovated with fabulous taste inside and out. This home has modern features such as heated floors, great kitchen with Viking appliances and all the amenities, plantation shutters,6 fireplaces ,beautiful hardwood floors, large walk in closet, screened porch, tall ceilings, and plenty of CHARM and CHARACTER. This home sits on appx 3.5 beautiful acres and is MOVE IN READY.
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Property for Sale | 102 Ruby Street Ruleville, MS2 Bath3250 Sq. Ft.4.5 AcresOther:GREAT INVESTMENT/BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! FULLY EQUIPPED DENTAL CLINIC. This building is already furnished with all of the equipment needed for a Dental Office to open and operate including all Dental Tools, Progeny X-Ray machines, Computers, Suction Devices, and all Files and Previous - Learn More
Cleveland , MS -$178,500
Home for Sale | 1103 University St. Cleveland , MS3 Bed1.5 Bath1687 Sq. Ft..24 AcresBeautiful Hardwood Floors, Ceramic Tile, New Appliances, New Updates, New Roof, New Heating and Air System, New Quartz Counter Tops, Just Minutes from Delta State University in Cleveland, Ms.